Like most people, you don’t like ironing, or you don’t like bathing and dressing, you may have to print clothes for job interviews or presentations, or use ironing to iron your shirt. May fall A unique case of a child. This is a necessary evil, and iron is a household item, and you will be happy when you need it.


It’s not hard to buy iron, but you can find work that is hard to use and can shorten the casting time – that’s right, I said “make the iron smaller”. Anything that can reduce iron time is a great feature, right ?!


You can also find high-quality, casting systems that provide professional results, such as textile printers.


Depending on the quality and price of the watt iron can range from $ 20 to about $ 150. There should be some features, if you want to pay for convenience then others are good for you. Value is also affected by the strength of the iron – the higher the wattage, the hotter and faster the cast iron is. Watt on the package is not always easy. You will want to read a very good post.


Although basic model iron is often sufficient, I found that permeability is more valuable than cost:


Steam grains are very easy to remove. Check that the reservoir is suitable for filling, as well as that there are several holes in the iron.


Non-stick coating or stainless steel plate – allows a simple jump of iron. Allows storage of materials and speeding up casting.


Swollen bone base – Seriously helps in the processing of iron. Heat Changing Heat / Fabric Processing – So many clothes can be ironed at the right temperature from home.

Steam generator iron and ordinary steam iron are very similar – at least at first glance. However, the structure of the steam generator iron is quite different and works differently. They use a separate basic unit consisting of water, including a boiler. Iron does not contain water in the body. Steam passes through the central unit through a hollow iron connecting pipe.


Steam irons are usually a little more expensive than steam irons – but they bring a lot of benefits to consumers. It takes some time to consider the important factors before deciding what to buy. The most important factors to consider when comparing steam generating iron are water capacity, vapor pressure, board, ease of cleaning and general use.

Horse publishing:

Moisture and heat vapor penetrate the fabric. This makes it more flexible and makes it easier to extract milk and grains. The higher the vapor pressure, the better the depth of penetration into the fabric and the better the result.

Steam generating iron is usually expressed in grams of steam per minute. The higher the number, the higher the steam production and the easier it is to iron. Average values ​​range from 70 to 140 g / min.

You may notice that the vapor pressure is being brought to the bar. Again, a large number, it will be developed and it will penetrate the material.

Water tank capacity:

As a rule, steam generators have relatively large deposits of iron. This means you can iron for longer without filling the stocks. The exact time varies depending on the type of material you are ironing and the temperature of your iron – but a 1.4 liter tank should be ironed for at least two hours.

If you have a lot of iron, you decide to choose a model with a large stock. If you have a small cast iron board, you need to check the length of the pipe that connects the tank to the iron, you are on the floor and not on the iron board.

You have to think about how easy it is to fill the pool. Better steam generators have reservoirs to facilitate iron filling. It’s better than talking to water tanks. Most cast iron allows you to refill the tank even when used – so you don’t have to break it, and then wait until it heats up again after refilling.