Construction estimators like CSIEstimation are tasked with estimating the cost of construction projects. They compile data to create an accurate estimate, then communicate this information to stakeholders for budgeting purposes. These professionals must have a diverse skill set so they can build up their knowledge in various areas of the construction industry. This includes being knowledgeable about budgets, scheduling, project management, and estimating methods within different types of work environments. Explore Six essential skillsets for construction below.

1. What is an Estimator

Estimators are professionals who estimate the cost of a project and the time it will take to complete. The estimator is usually in charge of estimating projects, but some people can do it themselves. There are many different types of estimations that an estimator does such as labor hours, material costs, equipment costs, and subcontractor fees. It is important for an estimator to be accurate with their estimates because they could end up costing the company more money than expected if they underestimate any one factor. 

2. Understand how to calculate the volume

Construction estimators may not be aware of what it takes to calculate the volume of a certain item. This blog post will explore how to do so and why this information is important in construction project estimation. 

To understand how volumes are calculated, we must first consider their definition: “the amount of three-dimensional space enclosed by any surface.” Now that we have an understanding of what volume means, we can begin calculating it! Volume is often measured in cubic feet (ft3) or cubic meters (m3). To measure your desired object’s volume using these measurements, start with measuring its length (in ft), width (in ft), and height (in ft).

3. The ability to calculate square footage

The ability to calculate the square footage of your property is important for many reasons, especially when you are looking at selling or renting it. An estimate of how big an area is will help buyers and renters determine whether they can fit all their furniture in that space or if there may be too much-wasted space. Calculating the square footage also helps you understand what size house makes sense for your family depending on how many people live there now and plan on living there in the future. It can also help with zoning laws; most cities have minimum requirements for floor area before someone gets a permit to build new structures like additions onto their home.

4. Understanding of the costs associated with a project’s scope 

A construction project’s scope determines the extent of work necessary to complete a project. The more extensive the scope, or project size, the higher costs will be associated with it. For example, if you are building an addition onto your home there is going to be a difference in cost between adding one room and adding five rooms. It is important for anyone who works within the construction industry to understand these costs so they can prepare accordingly when bidding on projects – whether large-scale commercial projects or small residential jobs.

5. Skill at estimating labor hours for a given task or project 

Do you ever wish that you could just have someone else do the labor estimation for a project? Well, now there is an app for that. Labor hours are often difficult to estimate and they can easily take up a lot of time in your workday. This blog post will talk about how this new app-based system works and why it’s so beneficial to use. You’ll find out more information about what it does, how much it costs, and what types of projects it would be best suited for. If you’re looking for a way to save time on estimating labor hours or if you need an easy way to break down tasks into manageable pieces, then this article is perfect for you.

6. Ability to read blueprints and understand materials used in construction

I recently learned that blueprints are essential for construction, and I was wondering if I could read them. Turns out it’s not too difficult to decipher the materials used in construction by reading a blueprint! It is important to understand what type of material is being used when viewing a blueprint because different materials have different properties. For example, metal can be very hard or easy to bend depending on its thickness while plastic may be more durable than other materials but less flexible. Reading blueprints can help me determine which materials will work best for my project.


The construction estimator is the most important person on a project site. Without them, you have no idea what your total cost will be or how long it will take to finish the job. It’s not just about estimating costs and timeframes-a good construction estimator needs to know how their company operates in order to provide accurate estimates with confidence. This blog post has given you some of the essential skillsets for being an effective estimator; however, if you want more information there are plenty of resources available online that can help too! If you would like any further guidance before pressing publish on your next estimate, please comment below and our team will do our best to get back to you soon!