“Marketing’s job is never done. It’s about perpetual motion. We must continue to innovate every day.”

The best example for innovative marketing is Instagram.

Instagram marketing has set a new bench mark for upcoming social media platforms. The scope of marketing is increasing with every new influencer who comes up with a more creative pattern of posting in the set digital arena.

People go gaga over some influencers, they follow these individual strategists on the basis of their appearance, content creation, and their emotional connect or even the brand choices one wears or promotes. The mass is attracted to the photography, ideas, concepts, and many other small details, that as a brand, you can learn over a period of time being in the online marketing world.

Now, whether you own a small grocery store or have a supermarket consisting of all products from clothing to makeup to grocery, one has to advertise it digitally. As a matter of fact, if you are searching for how to market your brand online or are looking for an apt influencer, then you have surely done your initial homework on online marketing.

Here, in this blog, you will get to know some intricate details to look upon when selecting an influencer. There are influencers who can organically and authentically increase traffic just by posting high-quality content with apt hashtags and a link to your website.

Collaborations with the great creative minds will not only get the material seen, but allow you to see a higher return on investment (ROI) on the same. Before going through the selection process, let’s understand the major types of influencers. There are three kinds of influencers:-

  • Macro-Influencers

These influencers have wide reach, varied content, and a generic trustworthy audience. Of course, they have been there for a long time now, and have understood the insights of the influencer marketing world online.

If you are planning a social media marketing shopify store strategy, then to reach a mass in a stipulated time period is a must. For that you should collaborate with an influencer who has loyal followers, good reputation, and has dealt with some similar products in your business. A macro-influencer will easily engage an audience and increase your web traffic in no time with your social media followers.

  • Micro-Influencers

The major difference between these two is followers and the knowledge sharing that they convey through their marketing ideas. These influencers understand the tendency of an average person as they themselves are dealing with that, growing on the internet. In this category, there are bloggers, industry specialists like journalists, professional advisors, leaders, who have an immense knowledge and prestige in concern to their related fields.

If you are planning to enter a set of niche mass or have a certain audience specifications in mind, then micro-influencers are the answer to it. They are an experimenting base that gives a brand a new version of building an image. Every post made for you will have a slightly different concept then the other, as they are still knowing their followers. Thus, macro or micro influencers, will provide you with your share of likes & dislikes from the users which one can easily use as feedback in improving or maintaining the quality of its online platform.

  • Nano Influencers

We always trust a friend who is good at buying a particular stuff. Such are the nano influencers, they are online friends for online users. When they recommend a product, anything from furniture to clothing, their audiences are easily influenced by them. They are flexible and easily approachable than the other two influencers. Nano influencers are commoners who are well-known in their own groups. Often brands collaborate with them to experiment on a smaller scale and know their actual direction online. They are beneficial for the initial marketing days on a social media platform.

4 Must have check points in an influencer for your brand or online store

  1. Fit or a miss fit for the brand

Think before you prepare a niche influencer’s list to approach.

Do they fit your brand or not. For instance, Levis, the jeans brand, will approach a macro influencer who has good reach and is focused more on trending topics then the pricing ones. Such influential marketing will give the brand its desired market awareness and brand recall in their loyal consumer.

Whereas if you are an appliance online store, you will like to collaborate with micro influencers who are well versed in that particular technological field. Thus, choose a fit for your brand out of the categorized influencer marketing strategists.

  1. Type of audience

As a brand you have to look at the influencer’s audience. For instance, if you are a fashion brand, you will obviously focus on the audience engaging over a clothing post. One cannot collaborate with a technological influencer and expect its audience to engage over a fashion content. It will never give a desired result and give the brand online hate along with disinterested online users.

  1. Authenticity is vital

How will you recognize that influencers are an authentic source for your brand? One has to look at whether the followers are fake or real ones, are they paid audiences or an organic one. There can be instances where views, comments, would have reached thousands on a post and next day the same post might have ten-twenty comments & views. These small analysis online will give you an idea of the reliability and authenticity of an influencer.

  1. Engagement ratio of the influencer

An influencer has to remain in constant touch with their online audience. As a brand, look for their engagement ratio. How well do they respond to the questions, comments, beneath a post. Are they kind at heart and generous towards their online followers? Do they ask questions to their audience to attain their work feedback? All this matters a lot. It shows their affection and online inclination of work and thus, shows their sincerity as an influencer.

Thus, choose wisely and let your brand shine through the social platforms. Whether you have a social media marketing shopify strategy or are any other lifestyle brand, keep the types of influencers and the selection process read above in mind. This will surely take you to a successful digital collaboration.