You can make mens top gun costume at home in Australia with what you already have in your closet. Maybe, you will have to buy a few things to make the costume stand out. Read this post to learn how to make a top gun costume for men without breaking the bank.

Top gun flight suit

You will need to buy a top gun flight suit if you do not have one already. If you have an overall, it will do a fine job. All you have to do is to add on the overall a top gun badge. If you have some tailoring skills, you can customise the overall to suit your needs.

Aviator sunglasses

For Aviator sunglasses, you can use what you already have. Black sunglasses will do fine in this case. Just make sure that the sunglasses don’t have lenses that can damage your eyes.

Bomber jacket

If you don’t have an overall or a flight suit to make your mens top gun costume in Australia, you can use a bomber jacket or any black jacket. If you decide to go the jacket way, you will still need top gun badges, a pair of blue jeans, pants and aviator glasses.

I believe you already have most of these things in your closet so it shouldn’t be an issue at all. If you don’t have them, you can buy them cheaply online or in your local store.


The best type of footwear for your mens top gun costume in Australia is to get some black combat boots. You can also use the boots you use for riding your bike or you can wear your rain boots. This will complete your look. Now you will have to work on your posture. You will need an upright posture for you to look good in the top gun costume.