No matter you are rich, middle-class, attractive, short, fat, tall, talented, athlete or anybody; you can make the world a better place to live in for others. You can always contribute towards the welfare of others. You can make a move that might change the lives of under-privileged people for better.

Have you heard about the dedicated Ngo’s in India? These are the NGOs that are putting every effort to change the face of society. Even today, there are thousands of people in every region who don’t have food to eat, they don’t know what to do and how to do and most shocking part is that they don’t have the will to do anything.  If you think what you can do in this then the answer is ‘much’.

Become a volunteer today!

If you really want to do something for the society then go ahead and become a volunteer with a registered NGO. There are NGOs out there that are fully devoted towards the welfare of people.   Even if you spend some hours for a right cause, you can bring light in lives. NGOs provide food to less privileged people and make sure that nobody sleeps on an empty stomach. Free lunch is given to children who go to school for studying. Since more and more children are illiterate today, it is really important to motivate them to study. In the absence of education they are not just ruining their life but life of their future families as well. you can go house to house and tell the people about the importance of education. If not PHD, at least they can study the basics or minimum twelfth.  Once you tell people to study and show them the incentives like free lunch for school going kids; they would definitely enrol their kids in schools.

Use your talent

If you are good at computer, tailoring, beautician skills or so on; it is time that you put these things to practice. Apart from your profession or interest; you can share your knowledge and skills with less privileged people. Under NGOs, you can become a tutor who teaches different things to people. Your skills can change their life forever. They would learn and can earn a living for their families. If you are good at Maths, English or any other subject, you can teach kids. In case you can teach basic computer, you can teach it too. NGOs are doing it and making sure that people know at least something so as to support their

Gender equality

Indian women are capable of doing everything and they can even do better than men; but the only problem is that they don’t know it. There are many poor women who don’t have any clue about activities that they can do to earn a living. Once you tell them that they can get employment and earn pennies; they would definitely step out of their four walls and create w life for themselves. Once a woman is educated and empowered; half of her family is empowered too.


Thus, join ngo online and become a part of good activities. Your efforts would never go waste!