Eyeliner is apparently the hardest part of the whole makeup routine. It can feel very high stakes: all things considered, jumble up your eyeliner, and you may wreck your eyeshadow and under-eye concealer.

On the off chance that you have a temperamental hand however you need accuracy on this essential step then you can givea pencil eyeliner a try as it is the most ideal approach. Here, we’re separating when to utilize a pencil eyeliner, how to apply it.

When to Choose Pencil Eyeliner

In case you’re new to utilizing makeup or don’t commonly go past a swipe of mascara when applying eye makeup, pencil eyeliners–like Faces Canada eye pencil are an ideal method to begin. This sort of liner is a strong equation that is normally comprised of a mix of waxes, silicones, and oils. They’re a lot simpler to control than something like fluid eyeliner and make a perfect, characteristic looking line. Pencil liners can likewise be effectively smeared (many even accompany an inherent smirching device), making it simple to make a smoky, hot look.

These best eyeliner pencil aren’t only for novices, however. Pencil liner can make a gentler look–incredible for those occasions when you need your eyes to fly without it being evident that you’re wearing liner. It’s additionally incredible for smudgy feline eyes and tightlining, the strategy of utilizing eyeliner along on the waterline for all-over eye definition.

Applying Pencil Eyeliner, Step-by-Step

Since you understand what pencil liner can do, we should turn out how to apply it. Track with for a bit by bit manage.

Instructions to Apply Pencil Eyeliner to Your Upper Lash Line

Stage 1: Choose the correct tone.

The correct eyeliner tone for you is altogether a matter of individual inclination. When in doubt of thumb, dark eyeliner will make a more emotional impact while earthy colored liner will offer something a smidgen more unbiased. You can likewise venture fresh with shaded eye pencils. These make for truly fun, effectively executed explanation looks.

Stage 2: Prep and prime your eyelid.

The one drawback of pencil eyeliner is that it regularly doesn’t keep going as long as different kinds of liners. To ensure your liner endures as far as might be feasible, wipe away any overabundance oil on the cover and utilize an eye preliminary.

Stage 3: Apply your eyeliner.

Delicately pulling your eyelid instructed, apply liner in little runs from the focal point of the eyelid to the external corner of the eye remaining as near to the lash line as could be expected. Utilize the pencil’s point for a very slim line or a greater amount of the pencil’s side for a thicker line. Whenever you’ve associated all the runs, making one smooth line, move the pencil to the internal corner of the eye and utilize a similar method to fill in the liner from the inward lash line to the middle.

Step by step instructions to Apply Pencil Eyeliner to Your Lower Lash Line

Whenever you’ve accomplished a smooth line along the upper lash line, you can leave it simply like that or you can move onto your lower lash line for a more emotional impact. This is ideal in case you’re going for a smoky eye.

Stage 1: Clean up your lower lash line.

Ordinarily, you’ll apply pencil liner to the lower lash line after you’ve just applied eyeshadow and liner to the upper lash line. Ensure there’s no aftermath around your lower lash line. On the off chance that there is, delicately wipe it away utilizing a q-tip so you start with a new, clean base.


Stage 2: Apply your eyeliner.

Utilizing a similar procedure as verified for the upper lash line, apply liner from the focal point of the lower lash line outwards in little runs. When each one of those runs make one smooth line, return to the internal corner of your eye and make a line from that point to the middle.

The most effective method to Apply Pencil Eyeliner to Your Waterline

In case you’re going to waterline your eyes, there’s no finer kind of liner to do it with than an eye pencil. This is a particularly incredible method to utilize in the event that you have little eyes or hooded eyelids. On the off chance that you decide to just apply along the waterline (here and there alluded to as tightlining), it won’t occupy any room on your top, leaving more space for eyeshadow. You can likewise fuse tightlining into the other two stages stated above for an extra characterized eyeliner look.