This summer, get over the heat by sipping cool drinks and enjoying cool fruits in this quick-paced life. This is only possible with a refrigerator, and currently, it is one amongst the kitchen appliances in each home. Single door refrigerator or double door refrigerator, there is either one to keep fruits and veggies fresh and cool. If you are looking for replacing the old refrigerator, the query is whether or not to go for a new single door fridge or a new double door refrigerator.

A fridge is a much-needed commodity not only for domestic purposes but also for commercial – medium and small businesses. A fridge assists in maintaining the food bacteria-free. It’s essential to make sure that the refrigerator is operating in a suitable condition to keep the drinks and food stored for a long time. It is very good to understand the usage of this kitchen appliance. Whether your requirements need a bigger freezer or a small one will do.

Within a single door refrigerator, it is essential to understand that there is not only one door.

Some of the primary features of a single door and a double door are as below:


The capacity of the fridge is about 50-250 liters, while the capacity of a double door refrigerator is 235 – 495 liters.

Family size

If you have a smaller family with 1-3 members, then a single door refrigerator is ideal, while a double door fridge is good or ideal for a medium-sized family with 3-4 members.

Power consumption

For a single door fridge, the consumption of power is comparatively lesser than a double door refrigerator.

Space consumption

A single door fridge consumes lesser space as compared to a double door refrigerator. This is because a double door refrigerator occupies more space with a big size freezer. The technology of direct cooling that comes with natural convection is set up in a single door fridge, while a double door fridge is set up with frost-free technology equipped with electrically operated fans.


A single door fridge is cost-effective when compared to a double door refrigerator. Currently, the most popular fridge type is a bottom base freezer kind of fridge. This is the most purchased type of refrigerator as well.

Placement of food

Both double, as well as a single door fridge, come with physical setbacks linked to the placement. The food volume and so on ought to be taken into account before deciding on other features.


For a single door fridge, you require to open up the main door to access the freezer door and then the freezer. Because of opening up often, the fridge temperature drops as a whole. This implies more consumption of power required to bring the fridge back to its cooling temperature. However, a double door fridge takes plenty of energy for cooling down comparatively to a single door fridge.

Bottom line

The primary point in a comprehensive understanding of which type of refrigerator to purchase that suits your needs is the inclusion of a freezer and other points as specified above. The purchase then is a happy one with good usage and performance.