Above anything, engagement rings, including modern nerdy options like geeky engagement rings, are about tradition. Tradition has always been and is still valued around the whole world. Gemstone rings nevertheless are often exclusively reserved for engagement occasions. With the tradition comes a lengthy list of myths as regards the ring; its material, cost, shape, etc. Here are some of the misconceived notions about engagement rings and why they basically aren’t true.


  1. Save up, save up, and…save up

Though you can’t ignore the truth that engagement rings cost a bit, there isn’t any need for saving the ‘three months’ gross salary’ total, which happens to be the mythological cost of rings. Whether you save a little monthly for long, or as a couple, you decide to invest a logical sum on a ‘beginning’ engagement ring, hoping to upgrade along the way, there isn’t any set sum that you need to or should invest on your ring. Gemstones are offered in virtually all sizes and shapes, not even mentioning their price ranges, and anything and everything goes nowadays. The most important thing is whether you love the ring no matter and to begin your life together on the proper foot.


  1. Surprise factor

Unexpected proposals, whether discussed beforehand or not, like when you order the geeky engagement ring online without her knowing, can be a truly romantic gesture, but offering her a ring you bought with little idea of what her ring taste might be could translate into your asking for trouble. Yes, the ideal worldly lady gets knocked off her feet with your fairytale proposal and the gemstone of her dreams. Actually, you might buy her a round cut stone when she actually wanted a princess cut; the setting could be yellow when she prefers cool platinum, and so on. That fact is, null the surprise and discover her likes before making your grand debut.


  1. The bigger the better

As kids, we always wanted the largest gifts, biggest toys, and largest portions just as if bigger always means better. As humans, been we’ve trained over years even in the gemstone department that the bigger the stone is, then the better the engagement ring, even though this isn’t actually the case. As has been mentioned, there are several other varying attributes to gemstones like clarity, colour, and cut, so their size is less than one-quarter of their character. Do not go chasing the biggest gemstone only because it’s large, instead, look for the highest quality gemstone that features the closest proximity to your budget and size preference.


That it keeps evolving is among the greatest aspects of the world. In a similar vein, that a lot of our lives are so varied compared to what it was centuries ago, and mostly for the better, so are the rules for shopping rings like geeky engagement rings. The rules have evolved to become ‘no rules’ enabling personality, design, originality, and budget to take over.