Whether your house styling project is for a photo shoot or an actual home sale, there are several simple yet effective design rules you should use. The rules work for nearly all needs and spaces, irrespective of size, style, or budget. But there could always be exceptions to the rules according to your level of boldness, or the level of how amazing the space you are designing is. Nevertheless, the following simple tips will certainly still work as an effective guide for creating your own interior design masterpieces.


  1. Size does actually matter

When it concerns art, oversized pieces always make a huge statement. It’s recommended that you invest in a piece you truly love and that you place it in an essential position, such as in a foyer or atop the lounge, to start up your home styling. A large art piece means that you do not require other clutter inside the room since the art piece will remain as the star piece of the room. On the other hand, a huge piece of an amazing fabric, on a canvas or framed, could also work just as well.


  1. Power in numbers

Group like objects such as bottles, vases, or bowls together to make a statement, so that they turn into a more powerful design element as one whole than they individually would be. One of the most common tricks used by expert property stylists in Sydney is to put three or five candlesticks (odd numbers always) of various heights in one place. After being lit, the candles turn into a single light feature, producing an excellent ambience.


  1. Patterns and prints

Nature features patterns everywhere, like in tree barks, or in stones, or a river. Natural patterns generate real interest, so why don’t you utilize them inside too. They mustn’t be over the top too.


An excellent means of adding pattern is by using throws, cushions, and rugs, which are capable of functioning together or individually to help you in creating the mood you desire for your home. Or, why don’t you rather try patterned wallpaper?


  1. Go green

One cost-effective way of accessorizing any room that’s a favourite of most experts is adding some greenery; you should have indoor plants in almost every room. An excellent feature of indoor plants is that they actually help in blurring the line between the outside and the inside, making rooms fell fresher and appear larger simultaneously. And you could simply enhance the mood with any interesting pot or basket, selected to work together with your interior’s current style.


  1. Less is actually more

This term means having less of anything makes a more powerful – and much more enjoyable – statement than overpowering your senses with too much at once. Strong patterns or colours, even though amazing, produce much better impact when sparingly used in interior design, than when a lot of both gets crammed into a single space.


In concluding, a similar rule applies to combine furniture styles in your house styling. Utilizing mostly neutral tones and clean lines enables you to add another outstanding piece. It then sits comfortably, without having to compete with any other pieces.