A lot of terms are being put to use in order to describe stem cells. It depends upon the stage along with the development they emerge from. You can divide them into the following
Adult stem- these are known as adult stem cells. They are tissue-specific which means you can find them in a given tissue of our body. Still, it is not conclusive whether all organs and that includes the heart are known to contain stem cells or not. But one thing is for sure this term is being used in a broad manner.
Fetal cells
As the name derives its meaning you can take them from the fetal cells. You give this name to the developing baby and this would mean around 10 weeks of gestation. The tissues in a cell are known to contain stem cells which do contribute to the rapid development of the organs. Once again the fact emerges is that they are tissue-specific and within a particular organ they go on to generate the mature type of cells.
Embryonic cells
You can expect them to be derived from the early embryos. They can give rise to the various cells types in the body. When these cells are developing in a rapid manner it does help us to understand the diseases better. For future therapy also it works wonders. But you need to be aware of the fact that this treatment is not accepted in the medical community at all.
When it comes to the case of osteoarthritis stem cell therapy India you rely on the use of stem cells in order to treat various diseases. It can be obtained from the own bone marrow of the patient. In addition, it could be obtained from the umbilical cord or the blood. These cells could lead to the creation of new cells.
From the biological point of view, the role of stem cells would be to repair the damaged cells. You can administer these cells in a systematic manner. Into the damaged tissue high concentrations can be put as well. In fact, this whole method goes by the name of self-healing. Why this process does hold a lot of value is still an unknown concept. It is assumed that the stem cells go on to discharge certain form of substances that lead to an activation of the diseased tissue. But one thing is for sure most scientists are of the opinion that stem cell therapy has been a major discovery until now. It has gone on to revolutionize the treatment modules as of now.
The bone marrow transplant is the main procedure that is advocated this point in time. It is taken from the bone marrow of patients. You go on to provide anesthesia to the patient where the puncture will be made. The whole process would go on to take around 30 minutes at the most. This injection could prove to be a bit painful but the patient does not suffer from any discomfort.