A well-designed app ranks above the rest. The best apps are ones that can be seen, heard and experienced. They need to feel real.

Features are vital for any app, but not all features make a successful product. In fact, some features can actually deter users from using your app at all. Successful apps put thought into what they offer and make sure each feature seems necessary.

If you are thinking about adding new features to your app, or even if you already have them, it is important to understand the appearance of these features. Which ones can be removed? Which ones work together? It’s critical that individual elements blend seamlessly with the overall user experience.

Costly & Useless Mobile App Features to Avoid

Before developing any mobile app, entrepreneurs need to have a total estimated cost in mind for the mobile app they want to build. Sometimes, unnecessary or excessive features can skyrocket this cost. Here are some features you should think twice about including in your mobile app.

1. Push Notifications

Push notifications are a great feature to have on your app, but today’s mobile users have so many apps, and receive too many notifications from each of their apps so naturally, they have stopped paying attention to them. Sending too many at once will overwhelm users and may even cause them to uninstall the app or ignore it for good. In addition, as push notification fees can vary depending on the provider, using them can become quite costly.

Also, make sure users understand how to turn off these notifications if they are not wanted. If they are never told how to do this, you could find yourself being reported for spamming your user base.

2. Animated Backgrounds

Backgrounds with movement create a more dynamic experience. That being said, it’s also disruptive and can be off-putting to users if not done correctly. Some apps use these background animations as a way to help users navigate the app. If your purpose for adding animation is unclear, you may want to reconsider the feature altogether.

3. “Tap Here” Buttons

Your buttons don’t need to state the obvious. Text that says “tap here” can be distracting and can also create confusion within your app. If users are faced with a button that simply states “tap here,” they may end up pressing the wrong option without even realizing it. Instead, use images of buttons throughout your app so users can get accustomed to what’s expected.

4. Automatic Refresh

Refreshing an app automatically takes away the user’s control. If you are using this feature, it may be best to have a specific reason for doing so or link this function back to your website so users can refresh when they please.

5. Specific Instructions

When a user is learning a new app, there’s no need to provide every detail from the get-go. They will learn how to use your app if it feels intuitive instead of being told exactly what to do. In addition, providing too many details could overwhelm them and cause them to delete the app before they even have a chance to use it.

6. Splash Screen

A splash screen is a nice way to introduce your app the first time users open it, but this shouldn’t be your only option. Just as with most features, if you don’t have a specific reason for using one, you should try to avoid them altogether. They can become irritating and repetitive quickly.

7. “Rate Us” Pop Ups

Users are already inundated with requests to rate apps, especially new ones. They have likely grown tired of these pop ups and will be quick to uninstall your app if you spam them every time they use it no matter how good or bad the experience has been. Make sure that your app is remarkable in some way before you ask them to leave a review.


As you move forward with your app creation, remember that the appearance of every feature is just as important as how it functions. The goal is to create an overall experience that takes into account what users expect and will successfully guide them through any roadblocks. When features are poorly executed or overwhelm users, they can cause your app to lose both its appeal and its standing in the marketplace – even if it’s a great app overall.

Zara Raza is the Marketing Lead at Sunvera Software. Sunvera is a local software development firm based in Irvine, CA, providing intelligent software solutions for small and mid-sized businesses as well as entrepreneurs and startups.