There are many components of home staging Sydney. On this blog post, we are going to focus on the primary services you can get from a home staging company.

Home staging consultation

In this type of home staging, a staging company comes to assess your entire property. They look both on the outside and inside the house. The experts walk through each and every room of the house and evaluate furniture placement, paint, landscaping, carpet, depersonalisation and more changes that are necessary.

Occupied home staging

This is where the homeowner still lives in the house. In most cases, the staging company will use the furnishings of the seller to stage the house. They may add additional pieces and remove some unnecessary things to achieve the best look. Personal items are removed and stored offsite.

Vacant home staging

This type of staging is done when the property is completely empty and no one is living in the house. Here, the property styling Sydney Company has the freedom to showcase the property with an assortment of art, accessories and furniture. Staging companies train their employees to select appropriate items and allow potential buyers define the space and imagine themselves living in the house.

Hour touch up

In this type of staging, professional staging companies work with the available items which the client already has. The stagers provide with the seller hands-on support and priority spaces are given special attention. Staging companies rearrange the furniture, organize bookshelves, clean the house, edit personal items and enhance the look of the property. In most cases, this service includes up to three main important rooms.

Property staging Sydney companies have the experience and the know-how on how to make your home look better. They have dealt with a lot of buyers to know what the buyers want. That is exactly what they give them.