Regular reading is essential for everyone. It will help a person to develop knowledge, skills or attitude. They are usually made for different purposes by different groups of people. Some people read to increase their knowledge. Some do it to improve their language skills. Another part of people do it for fun. Whatever the goal, habits can help anyone develop their personality in many ways. Visit our site for more about Reading tricks.

Students and academics don’t mind being judged on how poorly they read. They usually underestimate how much they can improve their reading speed. Reading speed can improve learning efficiency. Learning to read well is an important skill that every scientist must systematically develop.

Reading habits help everyone develop their personality in many ways. Choosing the right text or content to read is the first step. Reading for academic purposes is very difficult. Students should focus on in-depth understanding of the content. But reading for pleasure is often light. The latter requires less concentration and is achieved at an average speed of 100-200 words per minute. Prior knowledge of the subject is the main component of effective reading comprehension.

Some people have a habit of reading it literally. When reading, it’s best to focus on reading sentences, not just words. Reading text with sentences helps the brain process the question “thought or sentence”

Reading strategy

There are different types of reading techniques. To improve our speed we should practice reading at a glance, scanning or previewing as a reading strategy. The method of reading and the purpose of the questions should be chosen.

The first is skimming. Read quickly to collect key points. In the process, the reader will read quickly to get a general idea. The reader understands the entire text without reading it from cover to cover or word for word. This technique allows you to read up to 1000 words per minute in the process. The main idea of ​​the text is gathered by reading the first and last paragraphs, topic sentences, and other sections such as the title, summary, chapter summary, caption, etc.

In rough reading, you usually decide whether to read it or not. Read something carefully and looking at where to start before reading the text will help you understand the content better.

When scanning, it’s good to read quickly to find specifics. It is a technique that anyone can use to find specific information, facts, or ideas without having to read the entire text. Scanning helps you review up to 1,500 words per minute. The purpose of text scanning is to assess the relevance of content. Scanning before scanning helps you determine whether the content contains the information your readers need. After scanning the resource, you will be able to find additional details.

Surface reading is another reading process. Used to find “clue words” in the text you are reading. Half of the content words are “information words”, only they understand the content. The other words work in it like glue and paint. They provide a connection but not necessarily a search for meaning. Focusing on information words will help you read faster. Understanding will also improve. Paying more attention to what the author is trying to say is the essence of this type of reading.

Extended reading is reading a long text. usually focuses on the general meaning of pleasure. But intensive reading is reading short passages for detailed information. Reading phrases is a different process.

Fast reading process

The process of reading causes an eye movement known as ‘fixation’. During fixation, the eye absorbs words to understand. Slow readers will only have one or two words per revision. Add words to each freeze with constant practice. You will be able to collect more words with each revision. Therefore, you should practice reading sentences without closing your eyes. But by moving our eyes smoothly from place to place, we can practice this strategy with conscious effort.

Highlighting key points in a text is good for learning. Underlining or underlining key words and annotating fields etc. Can improve reading speed. Emphasis in text, such as sentence emphasis