When it comes to e-commerce store owners, the COVID outbreak has taught them one crucial lesson: having local, dependable suppliers is critical to the survival of their businesses. However, where do you begin your search for reputable dropshipping suppliers in the United States?

In this write-up, you will learn why your dropshipping supplier’s location is essential and how to find the best dropshipping suppliers in the United States.

It’s all about Location

As a result of the pandemic, many people stopped dropshipping because they became too dependent on importing products from other countries. At the time, the most important thing was to get the best deal possible. Although costs were prioritised during the pandemic, availability took precedence over price due to the disruption of international supply chains.

Your dropshipping suppliers should be located in the same country as your target market. Customers benefit from available items in their home country because they receive their products more quickly. In addition, better tracking is available with USA shipping options, which contributes to increased customer confidence.

In recent years, consumers have become more discerning about the origins of the products they purchase. According to research, most consumers desire and expect products made in the United States and are willing to pay up to 20% more for these items.

Furthermore, dealing with companies and suppliers, not foreign countries, makes the returns process more straightforward and less costly. Customer returns are at an all-time high, accounting for at least 30% of all online purchases, which is unprecedented.

It is possible to return items for various reasons, including incorrect size or colour, damaged merchandise, and more. The merchant in this situation typically bears return shipping, restocking fees, and administrative costs. It becomes costly when these items must be shipped back to their original country of origin.

As the owner of an e-commerce store, it is your responsibility to provide your customers with the best possible experience. If a customer has a positive experience, they are more likely to return. Ensure that not only are goods available and delivered on time, but they are also of high quality and come from companies that your customers are proud to support.

How do you locate drop shippers in the United States who can accommodate your customers’ needs in light of all of this? Below are a few resources to start on your search.

You can Contact Individual Wholesalers.

Direct connections with wholesalers are one of the most straightforward paths for e-commerce store owners to follow. Several major wholesalers offer dropshipping services. Merchants prefer this method because it allows them to establish direct relationships with businesses, which enables them to obtain the best possible pricing in many cases.

When it comes to direct contact with wholesale companies, one significant disadvantage is the time it takes to find wholesale companies in your niche and establish the necessary relationships. A considerable amount of research and digging is required, which most small e-commerce store owners do not have the time or resources to do.

You also have to consider that each wholesaler with whom you do business has a different set of ordering standards and requirements. There are different rules for different dropshipping companies. Some may or may not work with your online store (such as Shopify, Wayfair, and Amazon).

In some instances, there may be minimums that must be met. Some stores may have specific return policies, such as restocking fees, that you must follow. Keeping track of all of these details takes time and effort, and any savings you may have realised by working directly with your wholesale partners may be quickly offset by these costs.

Join Dropshipping Supplier Directory by filling out an online registration form.

The popularity of the dropshipping model has increased over time, with sales rising from $122.3 billion in 2019 to $149.4 billion in 2020. As a result of its growing popularity, more dropshipping suppliers are entering the market, opening new opportunities for e-commerce store owners to sell their products. However, unless you’re actively monitoring all of the options available to you, you may miss out on some of the best suppliers available to you.

It is for this reason that dropshipping supplier directories have been established. Regularly, these directories are updated with new information and are divided into categories such as niches, markets, and products.

Find dropshipping suppliers in the United States who sell products relevant to your company’s needs by simply filtering the results. A further benefit is that company service providers screen each supplier before including them on the list, providing you with an additional layer of assurance.

The most significant advantage of using a directory is saving time. A considerable amount of the legwork has already been completed for you. With your contact information and other data in your possession, you can proceed to the next step without having to make any educated assumptions.

What is the disadvantage? The use of directories is not free of charge. A one-time fee is required to access the guide, and there is no guarantee that you will find the dropshipping suppliers you are looking for in this directory. Because small e-commerce store owners must be cautious with their money, this can be a risk.

Join the MyDepot Drop shipping Platform and start selling your products.

Suppose you’re looking for a middle ground between direct connections with wholesalers and manually exploring directory listings. In that case, a dropshipping platform like MyDepot can help you get the most out of your resources.

  • Because it offers a wide range of products from US suppliers, the MyDepot platform makes dropshipping more convenient for its users.
  • With thousands of domestic wholesalers, we’ve built relationships and vetted them for quality, then compiled their information on our platform.
  • Instead of having to sift through listings and contact individual businesses to find out what they have to offer, you can do it all online.
  • Register for the MyDepot platform, link your e-commerce store and add products to sell. It’s that simple.
  • All major e-commerce platforms and marketplaces, including Shopify, Wayfair and Amazon, are supported by MyDepot integration capabilities.
  • MyDepot connects directly to your online store, allowing you to keep track of all of your orders in one convenient location.
  • As a bonus, you will receive the results of MyDepot research, which is based on thousands of daily purchases.
  • Our data identify the most popular items and industry and niche trends, allowing store owners to sell the most profitable items at the most beneficial time possible.
  • When choosing a dropshipping strategy in the United States, MyDepot provides the most value, time savings, and the highest profits to e-commerce store owners. Start your risk-free trial right away at Mydepot!