The cervical cancer is said to be silent but very deadly. It is a slow-growing disease and it has hardly any showing symptoms at the very early stage.

Cervical cancer mostly is caused by the HPV virus and it us the most common sexually transmitted infection. But yes, not this virus only is the main cause of the disease. There are other causes as well. They are:


Poor nutrition

A weakened immune system


Now, HPV is a very common thing and 80 percent of the sexually active people have been exposed to this virus. There are certain strains of HPV which can turn cancerous. Here are some ways to stay away from cervical cancer.

Go for routine Pap tests

The Pap tests help the doctors to detect the abnormalities like the changes in the cells on your cervix. If it happens, then they can take action before cervical cancer develops. It is suggested that women should have a Pap test at last once every 3 years after they reach the age of 21. Once you turn 30 it can be done once in 5 years as far as the reports are negative.

Follow up on abnormal Pap smears

If the infection is already there then the doctor will ask you to repeat the Pap test again after a few months. If the doctor finds that there is something else other than the infection then the doctors can conduct some other tests as well to determine the problem.

Get vaccinated.

There are 2 vaccines available for this. One is the Cervarix and the other is the Gardasil. They are both available to protect against the types of HPV that can cause the most cervical cancers as we as some anal cancers in men. The doctors can push the vaccines in 3 shots over 6 months of period. Gardasil is mainly recommended for the girls and women who are aged between 9 to 26 years. The Cervarix is recommended for the girls who are 9 years of age and to women of any age who have not been previously vaccinated or been diagnosed with cervical cancer. The HPV vaccine can also be given to boys after they reach 11 years of age.

Practice safe sex

This is a must. There are many studies that have shown that women who have many sexual partners increase their risk of developing HPV and as a result end up in having a high risk of cervical cancer. Whenever one is sexually active they should ask their partners to use a condom every time you indulge in sex. Unprotected sex always leaves one at the risk of contracting sexually transmitted disease which can higher the risk of getting HPV. But while condoms help to lower the risk of developing HPV-related diseases, including cervical cancer, be aware that HPV can infect areas that are not covered by a condom, so condoms may not fully protect against HPV.

That is why it has become essential to get the HPV vaccine in addition to using condoms.  For this one can take help of the cervical cancer treatment in India.