If you want to own a business with a low startup cost but also wants l to earn a lot, painting is the best option. Painting is painstaking labour, it requires attention and a bit of talent. Therefore, most people are happy to outsource it to a specialist. When you own a painting business, you’ll be handling different projects, such as painting a single room or painting an entire cabin. Also, you have to manage your team of painters, supervise each undertaking, and ensure that the results are great. The biggest advantage of this business is that it only requires fairly little initial investment. That means you can easily step into this lucrative and enjoyable business without much worry about money.

What are the things to consider before setting up a Painting Business in Dubai?

The painting business is a profitable business that only requires a minimal startup investment. However, there are some cons in this field of business:

  • Painting is a seasonal activity
  • The weather may hold you back from doing exterior painting jobs
  • Tough economic times can quite impact your income

But you can easily overcome these challenges if you do the following;

1) Know Your Market

However, to start a successful painting business, one should have factual knowledge about the opportunities in the market. Most of the painting companies target homeowners who are just looking for a house painting service. Many companies offer both interior and exterior painting services for houses. Another target is the developers who build new homes and require painting services for them. So know the demand and choose accordingly to gain maximum profit out of that.

2) Purchase the Right Tools

Painting equipment can be quite expensive, especially when you’re just a beginner. The tools that are required for starting a painting business are beyond brushes, rollers and scrapers. However, don’t buy cheap brushes and rollers, which are not meant for professionals. Or else this will eventually force you to make costly and time-consuming touch-ups.

3) Find the best Location

It is normal to encounter tight competition while running any form of business. However, if you want to be more successful in your field of business it is better to choose an area where there is a lesser number of painting companies.

Also, choose an area that is more close to the highways and main roads to make your transportation much easier. It will also help your company to be further noticed by more people.

What are the steps involved in starting your Painting Business in Dubai?

Setting up a small business in Dubai isn’t that challenging if you are familiar with the legal procedures or have the right guidance. You can start a painting business with a few steps that are listed down:

Make a Business Plan

The first step involved in starting a painting business in Dubai is to write a business plan. This will be required while applying for your trade license as well as to open a business account in a corporate bank. Studies show that this will help one in increasing the probability of starting a successful business.

Name Your Company

While starting a new painting company, one has to find a name for their business. It must be something more than just catchy, it has to be striking enough to differentiate yourself from your competitors. Similarly, create and include a logo for use on everything including business cards, letterhead, vans and more. Also, make sure that it abides by the naming conventions imposed by the UAE government.

Apply for License

Once you’ve selected a name for your painting company, it’s time to make your business a licensed one. First, you have to decide on your business structure before applying for a license. In Dubai, you can choose out of two economic divisions, Free Zone and Mainland. They offer different types of services for promoting businesses. You are also supposed to check with the municipal authorities to determine if you need any further permits to start a painting company and legally do business in the area you prefer. Also, note that the license cost in Dubai is pretty affordable for the painting.

Apply for Visa

The next step is to get your visa for setting up your painting business in Dubai. You should provide proof of your employment or earnings to the authorities. Also, you will be able to sponsor others for their visas after receiving your business license. Yet, the number of visas you can apply for will be based on the size of your company, business arrangement and earnings.

Open a Bank Account

It is important to keep your business and personal finances in different bank accounts to make it more simple to track down your business expenditures. Also, note that you are required to deposit a minimum balance of anywhere between AED 10,000 and AED 150,000.

What are the skills required for running a successful painting business in Dubai?

To run a painting bpainting business in Dubaiusiness with huge success, there are certain skills and experience required for turning the business easier. Let’s have a look into it:

  • Knowledge of painting methods and products
  • Attention to detail
  • Organising skill
  • Customer service skills
  • Management experience

How much does it cost to start a painting business in Dubai?

Starting a painting business is somewhat inexpensive compared to any other businesses. However, expect to spend about AED 8000 on the equipment and other supplies. If you choose to set up your company in the Dubai Free Zone, it may cost you around AED 22500. On the other hand, if you are supposed to open your company in Dubai Mainland, then it might cost you around AED 34340.


Setting a painting business in Dubai can be a rewarding experience. You can easily be your boss with a little bit of paperwork and money. If you are not sure about the legal procedures, reach out to our team to help you with the procedures that are required to start your business.