It is so interesting to see how a company can implement SAP into their work sphere, and it turns out to be a terrible implementation. The main reason behind this is the lack of a proper plan and Putting it in charge of a less experienced management team to handle this system.

The correct methodology Of using an SAP And putting up the right team to manage is what we are going to discuss ahead.

SAP implementation should be used as a business change program and not to be seen as an IT project.

We find many big companies investing a lot on the SAP implementation. Still, this system fails to gather the required amount of attention necessary to bring out the maximum output from the business. It is seen more as an IT project.

When an SAP implementation takes place, the involvement Of the IT management persons and CFO is much more than the other members of the company. This practice is harmful to the proper implementation of SAP.

As SAP has a more significant and more robust business impact, an analysis should be performed before implementing it. From past experiences, it is observed that various projects related to SAP have a more significant impact in making a business grow. The best way of using it is to plan the proper use well ahead of implementing it.

From this, we can also find the future benefits of this new system implementation. Thus, the new system is undoubtedly able to act as a catalyst in the growth of the company.

To Understand the Upcoming Problems and to Be Ready for It.

SAP is implemented on a broader scale. Thus many problems can arise, creating great disappointment. The best way to deal with this is to anticipate various uncertainties and to discuss it with the other members of the business is beneficial, mostly if it is done before starting the project.

A good project manager needs to foresee the upcoming risks and take actions accordingly. We all need to understand that this role is not a small task. Few of the guidelines that a person can follow to improve the quality of a project manager:

  • Have a business-focused approach
  • Need to be approved at various stages by the management team.
  • Understand even the smallest problem which can act as a negative catalyst in the productivity of the team.
  • Understand the reaction of users of the SAP and to improve it to increase the productivity of the group.

Business Acceptance Is a Critical Factor in the Success

Great SAP implementation is often not well accepted by the workers. The main reason behind this would be the lack of involvement of the business representatives. Thus this would create more work to correct it and to bring it in accordance with the business expectation. This is not accepted as it costs money and time, and the work intended to be done would get postponed.

Focus More on the Planning and Execution of the Project

Many ways can be opted to implement the use of SAP depending on the need of the business. But people tend to focus more on this choice of method rather than proper planning and execution of the project. One size fits all technique of implementing SAP can turn out to be negatively affecting the productivity of the business.

The methodology used varies depending on requirements. Planning helps in making the theoretical goals look achievable. The stronger the plan, the more robust implementation of SAP.

They are thus helping in reducing delays in work, unnecessary impacts which in return makes the business grow. But minor changes should always be welcomed while releasing the final output of the plan.

The Right Team and Resource Should Be Placed

One of the most critical factors of proper implementation of SAP is appointing a well-experienced team and putting the right resources into it. SAP is a large scale project should consist of people from various sections of the business to attend a broad spectrum of subjects that need to be held together for the proper functioning of the company.

Thus the resources hired for the project should have appropriate knowledge about it and also have proper business experience. It is always better to use the tried and tested resources for the project. Communication is a crucial factor in this work.

SAP implementation is a significant project for any business or organisation as great success can be achieved through it. So, different organisations can implement SAP using other methods depending on their needs and goals. Correct planning and execution can definitely help them achieve great success.