From choosing the right clothes to skincare products and the best oil for baby massage in summer, you employ a lot of ways to protect your baby from the scorching heat. Babies have very sensitive skin and are not used to bearing high temperatures. During summers they sweat a lot, making them susceptible to a lot of skin problems. Rashes, allergies, fungal infections, prickly heat, itchy scalp are common skin problems faced by babies. One needs to keep the babies’ skin well hydrated to minimize the skin problems and their effects.


So here we have listed down ways to shield your baby from the blazing sun rays and take care of his scalp and skin.


  1. Use the best oil for baby massage in summer

As a rule of thumb, we need to keep the baby’s skin hydrated and cool in summer. Many parents detest the idea of baby massage in summer. They are misguided that oil massages build up heat and result in rashes in babies. How untrue it is!! Baby massage is a therapeutic experience for the baby and it should never be stopped. Also, a newborn’s skin is dry and flaky. It needs proper moisturisation which an oil massage can provide. Use season-appropriate baby oil for massage and you will never repent massaging your baby. Few tips for baby massage in summer are as follows:

∙         Season appropriate oil: According to Ayurveda, every oil has cool, hot, or neutral potency. For example, coconut oil has cool potency while almond oil has hot potency. So, choose a massage oil for your baby in accordance with the season.  Cold-pressed coconut oil is good oil for the summer season while almond oil is good for winters. But if you don’t want an additional burden of changing oil with changing seasons, then simply pick up Dabur Lal Tail which is the best oil for baby massage in summer, monsoons and winters too. It is an all-season oil and can be safely used for babies even in summers. It is an ayurvedic oil. Sesame oil is infused with herbs like Ratanjyot, shankpushpi, urad, and karpura. Each herb has its own characteristic properties which make this ayurvedic oil the best baby massage oil in summer.

∙         An appropriate portion of oil: Baby massage doesn’t mean smearing oil on the baby. Over usage of oil can block the baby’s skin pores. The clogged pores make it difficult for the baby’s skin to breathe and can damage it severely.  To avoid irritation on the baby’s skin, take a little oil and massage the baby till the oil gets absorbed into the skin. Also, don’t leave the oil on the baby for a long time.

  1. Baby bath in summers: Things to remember

Give bath to your baby after the oil massage. Leaving oil on the baby’s skin for a long time can make him sweaty and irritable. So, don’t let the baby roam around after massage for a long time. Also, bedtime oil massage for babies should be avoided in summers. If at all, you are giving bedtime massages, bathe your kids or give a sponge bath after the massage.

∙         No hot water baths: The water for the baby bath should be lukewarm – nearly at room temperature. Hot water baths can make the baby’s skin dry and flaky.

∙         Avoid long baths: Babies love playing in the bathtubs. But have you noticed how a baby’s skin wrinkles after being in the water for long? Long baths are fine once in a couple of weeks. But you should keep them at a minimum to retain the baby’s natural moisture of the skin.

∙         Soap and shampoo: A good quality soap should be used for babies in summer. Use a soap that has natural ingredients and is not harsh on the baby’s sensitive skin.  The soap should remove the surplus oil from the baby’s skin but shouldn’t rip off natural oils from the skin. Soaps with natural, cooling ingredients like lemon, neem, aloe vera should be preferred. They help in keeping the skin hydrated, cool, and refreshed.

∙         Skin folds need attention: While bathing the babies, wash the folds in the babies’ skin properly. The folds in armpits, thighs, neck can become storehouses of germs and dirt. To avoid built-up of infection, wash these folds properly.

  1. After bath care:

∙         Pat dry baby’s skin with a soft towel. Put some talcum powder, especially in the folds of the skin to keep him fresh and happy throughout the day.

∙         Make the babies wear pure cotton clothes in summer. The fabric should be breezy and soft. It should absorb the sweat and should get dry quickly too. The clothes should be of comfortable fitting. Body-hugging clothes will make the babies feel sweaty. Even layers of clothes should be avoided. Basis the temperature decide a single or double layer for your baby.

  1. Keep the baby hydrated

In summers we all sweat a lot and lose body water. The same is true for babies. If the baby is well hydrated, then his skin will retain moisture and stay nourished.

∙         Babies below 6 months of age should be breastfed from time to time to keep them hydrated. You can also offer them a formula milk feed from time to time.

∙         For kids above 6 months of age, you can offer water, juices, milkshakes, smoothies, or any liquid diet to keep the baby well hydrated.

  1. Avoid over usage of air conditioners

Babies can’t withstand extreme temperatures. It can make them uncomfortable and even sick. In summers when it is too hot outside, don’t use air conditioners to make the room chilly.

∙        Use AC on energy-saving mode so that it automatically turns on and off and keeps the room temperature within limits.

∙        Make your child wear appropriate layers or use quilts and caps to cover him up.

∙        The fan of AC shouldn’t blow air directly on your baby. Adjust the vents of the AC accordingly.

∙         ACs dehumidify the room and make it very dry. As a result, the baby’s skin moisture is lost. Use a humidifier with AC or keep a bowl of water in the room to make up for the lost moisture content.

These are simple tips to take care of your baby’s skin in summers. Use the right clothes, the right baby products, and the best oil for baby massage in summer, and your baby will definitely sail through the scorching heat like a cool breeze.