Online shopping has become a new normal for people and they are now more comfortable with it. The only thing customers want is a marketplace that offers all the items and products. And Amazon has it covered and that is the reason that Amazon is currently the world’s largest retailer. The reason behind its continuous growth is the fact that it keeps on developing new products and different service offerings that continue to broaden its customer base. 

Amazon  has broadened its target market to cover as many customers as possible. Ecommerce planners have also sped up their work in analyzing customer discernments to optimize the experience.

Increasing number of sellers on Amazon

Approximately 1.9million sellers are currently selling on the marketplace. The number is increasing rapidly. In the year 2021 approximately 28300 sellers signed up to sell on the marketplace. Moreover, 1.4 million new sellers are expected to start their business on Amazon this year. As the sales have increased over the years the e-commerce planners are also active in keeping the check and balance of the sales and revenue. 

Product research 

To start a business on Amazon the first thing you need to do is product research. It is about evaluating current market trends that can generate high sales. It is all about searching for products that you can get at a lower rate but can sell it at good profit. The old tricks of finding products like designing a nice logo and custom packaging do not work anymore. Now you need to list down the best-selling products that you are interested in selling. 

How to do a product research on Amazon

There are basically two methods that can be used to do product research on Amazon manually and automated tools.

  • Through manual method

If you want to do it manually then there are further steps to it. 

  • Check the best sellers list

Try searching for products that have further categories and sub-categories. They do a check on which items are being sold the most. Analyze and examine which product will attract the audience more. And try to go for that product that has a moderate price.

  • See what the competitors are doing

In this step you have to keep an eye on your competitors as well that how they are proceeding. Amazon’s best seller page will show your primary competitors. You can also see what they are doing by searching the appropriate keywords. 

  • Through automatic method 

This is the fastest method to do product research. It saves you a lot of time. In this method you need to get the access of the Sellerapp’s tool. These tools are made to give you the estimate of monthly sales, revenue and number of reviews. It is an efficient and great method to validate your product research. 

  • Ways  to verify demand for a product during Product Research

It is very important to precisely estimate the demand for your product. There are few methods to verify demand for a product during product research.

  • Price
  • Sells around 10 products a day
  • Related products have a BSR of 5,000 or lesser in the main category
  • Top 3 product keywords together have 100,000+ monthly searches
  • Lightweight products
  • Around 2-3 products with < 50 reviews on page 1
  • Is there a Year-Round Demand?
  • No big brands in the product category

Now here are some unconventional ways to do Amazon product research

    1. 999 methods of finding demand 
    2. Optimizing current listing
    3. BSR movers
    4. Trending products
    5. New arrivals
    6. See the products of successful sellers
    7. Most liked product
  • Use keywords to drive the research
  1. Bundling ideas 

Here are few things that you should be avoiding while doing a product research

  • Choosing a small niche
  • To sell identical products 
  • To set up products for very low prices
  • Failing in improvising the product
  • Not calculating the profit margin

These are the steps that you should do and avoid while doing a product research if you want to excel in this business because sales are increasing rapidly on Amazon and the e-commerce planners are also active in keeping the check and balance of the sales and revenue. So do your best research and bring a product in the market that will gain you maximum profit.