What is the composition of this truly magical wood charcuterie board from Royal Craft Wood? Components and their ratio may vary slightly. Typically, these are bamboo fiber wood, palm leaves, sugarcane, food components and polylactide – “a biocompatible, biodegradable, aroma-free, thermoplastic bioplastic derived from corn and sugarcane”.

Bamboo utensils are made using one of two methods. At the same time, production technologies are fundamentally different. The final appearance, respectively, too.

Option 1. 

A method of gluing individual bamboo dies into a single piece. After polishing, it is coated with food varnish or wax. This dish is very beautiful – its texture looks like natural wood. But washing it in the dishwasher is not recommended.

Option 2. 

Hot pressing method. Bamboo fibers and the additional components listed above are ground into a powder, given the desired color with food coloring, and placed in a press of the required shape and thickness. Such dishes do not have joints, they are lighter and thinner than dishes made of glued plates. From the inside, the dishes are treated with food varnish with a water-repellent and antibacterial coating, and on the outside, if desired, patterns are applied. The dishes are durable, but their use has a temperature limit.

Features of caring for bamboo dishes depend on the composition of the material from which a particular product is made, as well as on the technology of its production. Therefore, it makes sense to carefully study the manufacturer’s instructions. We will voice the general points.

  • High-quality products treated with several layers of water-repellent impregnation are suitable for washing in the dishwasher.
  • Treat bamboo products periodically with food grade mineral oil.
  • It is better to wash it by hand with gentle non-abrasive products.
  • Bamboo is a moisture-loving plant. But, as we remember, bamboo products can decompose in water in two days. If you don’t want to test it out for yourself, don’t soak your dishes for long periods of time.
  • Each manufacturer sets the temperature regime individually. In general, it can vary from -20 to + 120 degrees. This means that eco-containers can be used for freezing semi-finished products, and glasses for hot drinks. But not boiling water!
  • Bamboo dishes are generally not recommended for use in the microwave. Of course, on the Internet we found reviews of people who violate this ban, but here it is also better to trust the manufacturer.
  • And the last. Do not place bamboo cookware on the stove – it may catch fire.

Bamboo is an evergreen perennial plant native to Asia’s tropical and subtropical areas. It seems to be lignified hollow straws with leaves on top from the outside. It grows swiftly, around half a meter each day, and may reach a height of 40 meters.

Moisture, sunlight, and temperature variations do not bother him. Bamboo stems are very resistant to stretching and bending, as well as breaking.

Bamboo is utilized in the production of furniture, wallpaper, slabs, and boards, as well as bicycle frames, musical instruments, household items, apparel, dressings, cosmetics, and even medications. Bamboo products also have antibacterial and deodorizing effects due to the antiseptic found in the plant’s fibers.