Azerbaijan, also known as “Land of Fire”, is the country that represents the ultimate contrast between modern architecture and old infrastructures. The country has undergone major and drastic transformation from Soviet-Era to modern today and hence the best place to experience its transformation first hand is in Baku which is the capital city of the country. After landing to the capital city of Azerbaijan, you will be amazed and supervised to see the cleanliness and well organized infrastructure of the city.

Within the old structures, you will also find both hypermodern buildings and old stone structures, all sated beautifully and together waiting for you to explore during your visit to Capital of Azerbaijan. Due to the injection of oil money, the capital city has transformed into a playground of architectural buildings and experiments. The massive stone built Heydar mosque, Zaha Hadid’s Brainchild and futuristic Hedar Aliyev Art Centre are some of the places that the best examples of magnificent pieces of architecture that you can explore in your trip to Azerbaijan.

Apart from this there are many other hypermodern architectures which are worth visiting. Below you will come across with some activities that you can enjoy during your trip to Azerbaijan.

Travel Back to Age-Old Era with Baku Old City

The historical centre of capital city, Baku is the Old City which is also considered as the UNESCO World Heritage Site along with Palace of Shirvanshahs and Maiden Tower. This is the location of the city where you can explore leisure stroll across the maze like cobbled streets which are beautifully sated with a variety of cafes and restaurants. You can enjoy the traditional Azerbaijani dishes. During your visit to this old city ensure to explore the amazing bazaars where you can find the local and traditional outfits, craftsman’s workshops and some world class mosques.

Rock Carvings at Gobustan National Park

After a day in Baku, head towards the Gobustan National Park which is located about 40 miles away from the heart of the Baku City. It is listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site which is the ancient carvings comprising mud volcanoes, gas stones and more that lure tourists round the year. At this place you will find over 6000 carvings that date back to 20,000 years and it depicts the scenes of bullfights, hunting, battles and ritual dances. You must visit this sight to experience the bizarre gurgling from the mud volcanoes.

Palm Fringed Beaches

You Tours in Baku won’t be complete without rejuvenating and relaxing at the Palm Fringed Beaches. Bordered by Caspian Sea, the city of Baku is bestowed with stunning and awe-inspiring landscapes and string of mesmerizing beaches. Some of the beautiful beaches that you can explore during your visit to Baku include Bilgah Beach, Mardakan Beach, Shikhov Beach, and Absheron Peninsula Beaches. There are many cafes around the beaches where you can sit, enjoy different dishes and coffees while experiencing the mesmerizing views of the beaches and watch sun dip into ocean at evening.

Museums in Baku

The capital of Azerbaijan is bestowed with over 30 museums that cover almost all histories, cultures and traditions including miniature books to the carpets for exhibition. You can visit the National Museum of History of Azerbaijan that comprises of over 2000 exhibits. The Azerbaijan State Museum of Art is another place to check out the sculptures and paintings from European, Russian, and Azerbaijan artists. You can also explore the Baku Museum for Miniature Books that houses 3 smallest books in the world.

These were some of the places that you need to explore during your visit to Azerbaijan and ensure that all these places were included in your Azerbaijan Tour Packages. There are also other great places and sights in Azerbaijan which are worth exploring.