This article on the vastu shastra house plan follows the article on the vastu shastra plan where you can find all the elements of a vastu shastra plan in general whether it is a house, an apartment, a business or offices. Thus, the keys that I am giving you here, which are specific to a house and its plan, are added to the keys of a vastu shastra plan in general. If you keep visiting the architects for your new house then it is suggested to visit the best Astro in Ludhiana so that you can get an idea of right house planning.

Origin of Vastu Shastra

Originally from India, Vastu Shastra where it has been applied for over two millennia, this discipline consists of harmonizing a living space (home, workplace, etc.) And yes it starts with the main entrance!! This is ideally structured and functions as an airlock between the exterior and the interior. This means that when you are in your driveway and someone is ringing you feel free to greet the person or say No, because now is not the time for you.

Thus, at the level of the vastu shastra house plan, if from your entrance, the visitor sees the other end of your living room or your garden on the other side; you will have the feeling of being invaded. This feeling doesn’t just happen when you’re in your front door. This feeling recurs in different situations in your life: you find it hard to say “No”, you feel transparent or even overwhelmed.

An entrance can be structured in different ways depending on how your space is designed. It doesn’t have to be a wall. It is possible to act thanks to the decoration. By playing with the furniture, the patterns, the colors, it is possible to create an airlock at the level of the main plane. This is therefore an essential point, but it is not necessarily prohibitive.

How does Vastu Shastra work?

A vastu shastra house plan contains many other parameters that are to be assessed on a case by case basis and according to your project. You can have a construction project. You may have acquired a house and hire an interior designer. Some of your constraints may be related to the choice of land, its shape, or its slope if the house is on a hillside. In any case, it is possible to balance the situation with your life plans thanks to the best Vastu consultant in Ludhiana.

Thus, arranging your home according to the concept of Vastu Shastra allows you to rest properly, stay healthy and keep negative thoughts away. The allocation of rooms, the arrangement of furniture and the choice of objects will take into account the orientation of the house, the circulation of energies, the five natural elements (water, fire, earth, metal and wood) and the cycles of time. Everything must be designed to release the vital energy and facilitate its circulation, experts say.

This harmony/energy is obtained by arranging the house in such a way as to allow natural forces to circulate. In fact, Vastu Shastra literally means the science of architecture. Thanks to the expertise of the Vastu Consultants in Ludhiana, you will feel more fulfilled than ever.