So, the most used material for the dining set is wood. The wooden dining table needs a lot of care and attention. As dust, moisture and food stains cause a lot of harm to it. A dining set is the most important item in home furniture. Therefore it must be looking all clean and well maintained. The wooden dining set cleaning needs many steps. Daily cleaning and dusting should be done to improve the look and life of the Home Furniture.

Following are the list of steps required for the Cleaning of the Wooden Dining Set;

List of Contents:

  • Daily Cleaning Of The Wooden Dining Set Table
  • Keep Cold And Hot Items Away
  • Quickly Wipe Off The Spills
  • To Lift Water Rings
  • Wooden Dining Set Polishing
  • Wooden Dining Set Oiling
  • Use Tea For Wood Shine
  • Thoroughly Clean Your Wooden Furniture Twice A Year
  • Conclusion

Daily Cleaning Of The Wooden Dining Set:

The modern dining set is one often used at home. Therefore, while using it many edible items, liquids, etc. spills on it. So, clean it quickly.

  • Firstly wipe off all the dust to avoid any scratch on the dining table surface.
  • Then, use a damp cloth to clean all the leftover food particles from the table.
  • You can also use mild soap on a damp cloth to clean the sticky residues on the table.
  • Finally, dry the dining table with a soft dry cloth.

Keep Cold And Hot Items Away:

So, make few rules at home;

  • To not let anyone put a hot and cold item directly on the dining table.
  • Hot items may burn the surface of the dining table.
  • As cold objects create ugly stains on the table surface.
  • Make sure to use table covers and coasters while putting any hot or cold item.
  • Avoiding hot and cold items keeps the dining table away from stains and it will look neat and shiny.

Quickly Wipe Off The Spills:

While using the dining table if any liquid item, loose gravy, or any other sticky food crumbs spills on it.

  • Quickly respond by wiping off all the spills with a little moist Microfiber Towel.
  • Secondly, you can also use mild soap in warm water and dip your towel in it.
  • If still any sticky crumb left on the table gently swipe it with the moist towel.
  • Finally, all the stubborn stains and crumbs will be lifted off and your dining table is looking very fine.

How to repolish your dining table

To Lift Water Rings:

Even if you’re too caring about your wooden dining table at home by placing cold drinks on it. Water rings still appear and they give a very odd look. No, I need to worry now. We have a great solution for all the stubborn water rings on the wooden tables.

The simplest way to get rid of them;

  • Mix Olive oil and vinegar in equal quantities and dip a soft cloth into it.
  • Then, gently rub the cloth on the water rings.
  • After you’re done with it simply remove the olive oil with another dry cloth.
  • In addition, vinegar has a great disinfecting nature. So, with water rings, germs from your dining table are also lifted.

Wooden Dining Set Polishing:

Wooden dining sets are prime choices because of their shining surface and fine looks. So, with time usually, the shine dimmed off. The dining set turned into a matte surface. Therefore you must keep its surface polished. So, its shine is retained. Now you can easily polish your wooden luxury italian furniture at home easily.

  • Firstly, take a soft cloth which won’t leave lines.
  • Secondly, dip it in Carnauba wax.
  • Then, rub it smoothly on the table surface in a circular motion.
  • Keep the thickness of wax even all over the surface.
  • Now, take another dry cloth to polish the surface of the wooden dining table.
  • Polishing may take a little effort and time.
  • Although waxing has made it look brand new.

Wooden Dining Set Oiling:

So, if you could not find carnauba wax there is an option of using any wood oil. After, buying a wood oil all you have to do is

  • Use a fine and clean piece of cloth. The cloth must be lint-free.
  • Then, put a few drops of oil on the dining table surface and chairs. Move-in the direction of table grain.
  • The oil should be kept on the table surface and then wiped off after 10-15 minutes with a clean cloth.
  • Doing this twice will leave a very sleek and shiny surface on your dining table.

Use Tea For Wood Shine:

So, to give your wooden dining table a sleek shine and fine texture do this cheapest home hack. All you need is two black tea bags.

  • Firstly, boil the two black tea bags in boiling water then cool them.
  • Secondly, use a soft cloth to soak it in the tea.
  • Then, squeeze it out and wipe your wooden dining table with that cloth.
  • This will act as a protector and natural shiner for your wooden furniture.

Thoroughly Clean Your Wooden Furniture Twice a Year:

Although, daily cleaning of the wooden furniture keeps them neat and shiny. But thorough cleaning is important every 6 months or twice a year. As it will help in retaining the texture, quality, shine, smoothness of wooden furniture or dining set. This practice will also increase the life of the wooden furniture.

So all you need for cleaning is 

  • Mild Dish detergents /soaps

  • Warm Water

  • White Vinegar 

  • Two to three Microfiber cloths 


  • Firstly, dilute the soap with warm water. You can also choose vinegar to remove stains. Dip a soft cloth in it.
  • Wipe off all the dust from the Dining tables and chairs or any other wooden furniture at home.
  • Then, dry it with a soft dry cloth. Make sure that there will be no moisture.
  • Never use an abrasive, corrosive, and harsh scrubber to clean your wooden tables or furniture.
  • Plastic pot scrapers or credit cards can be a good alternative as well for scrubbing sports and stains.

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So, in the above mentioned –headings, there is brief detail on how you clean your wooden Dining Table at home. There are many easy rules and tips to maintain your wooden furniture from wearing off. Some of the easiest methods are studied here. Such as an Oiling /polishing of the wooden dining table. The Dining sets should be clean and dusted off daily to keep it shiny and clean. You can use easy home hacks to clean and maintain your wooden dining table. 

In addition, these methods also help your dining table to look brand new. Finally, summing up all a thorough cleaning of your wooden furniture items including dining set twice a year is a must. So that they look shiny, smooth, clean, and last longer.