The dream of many people over 40 has always been to work fewer hours in the office. However, while it was a desired situation, productivity paradigms dictated that the office was the place for productivity.

However, if you have ever had remote jobs from home, you will remember that character who spent more hours distracting himself than being productive. This reinforces the paradigm that the worker needs supervision and that “if he works in the office like this, imagine if he worked from home”. 

When listening to the last sentence, one should pay attention to the word “imagine” and understand that, exactly, we are talking about an imaginary concept, which until recently became real for some and is successful.

We believe that remote work is the same or more productive than in the office. In essence, lazy people are going to be at home or in the office, the same applies to productive people.

What does it mean to work remotely or to do home office?

The concept of “remote work” is a concept made up of two words, “Work” and “Remote”.

Regarding the word “Work”, we invite you to consider it more as “Productivity”. That is, if you are not producing, it is not working.

The word “Remote” implies a place far (remote) from someone close, which could be the main offices of any company or organization, and that the work is being done far from that place.

So, “Remote work” is to produce results from a different place than the headquarters of the company for which you work. Ultimately, if you are not achieving results, you are not being productive. So, we are only remote, but not workers.

It is important to emphasize that “remote work” is not necessarily the same as “outsourcing”. Outsourcing involves delegating responsibility to someone who has no direct relationship with your company, but who may need to work in your office.

Why remote work?

Although remote jobs from home practice is not new, it gradually becomes a more viable option, even in traditional work schemes.

It has been shown that by giving them the necessary tools such as remote work tracking software, workers can be just as or more productive at a distance than in the office.

This practice becomes healthy when there is a results-focused approach, which implies that the company’s profits will not be affected whether or not the employee is in the office.

Also, there is an increase in morale on the part of the worker. By understanding that trust is given and measured according to clear parameters, a sense of commitment is formed.

Remote work and be a freelancer:

The term freelance comes from the Middle Ages, where “freelances” were hired, warriors from distant lands or not belonging to any kingdom in discord, and who were hired separately to join armies of some country at war.

Freelancers are now known that way. People who do not work exclusively for a single company. From the outset, companies greatly appreciate that highly operational, or mechanical, and generally repetitive processes are absorbed by third parties. By doing this, they find more time to focus on their core business, grow, make sales, and research and development.