If you’ve never hired a mobile coffee cart or coffee van before, here’s a shopping guide to get you started. Because not all coffee vans are created equal, you’ll need to figure out which ones will work best for you. Let us help you in understanding the best Woofys mobile coffee cart hire:

Size and appearance

You may need to consider the size and manoeuvrability of a mobile coffee van depending on where you want it. As some are dragged into position, inquire about dimensions and whether there is a very tight spot to enter into or if there is no turning circle. If you’re in a broad field, this isn’t an issue, but if you’re in a tiny, enclosed location like a wedding tent, you could have trouble with some coffee vans.

Range of products (what is included in the price?).

Although it advertises itself as a coffee cart, it can now provide so much more. Inquire about their usual services and whether they can meet special needs. If you’re renting a coffee van, you’ll want to know exactly what’s included in the pricing so you can compare apples to apples.

Demands for energy and water

Inquire about the power solutions available from vendors. You don’t want a noisy generator blaring in the background if you’re hired a coffee van for a wedding. Can they run on gas if you can’t provide power? If you predict a strong demand for beverages and don’t have access to electricity, you might want to consider a coffee cart that works on both a generator and gas to keep up with demand. Consider whether a water supply will be available nearby; if not, you may need to inquire about the size of your supplier’s water tank.

Customer service is really important.

Speak with the company’s proprietors to obtain a sense of their customer service standards. If they go above and above to respond to your inquiry and get back to you promptly, there’s a strong chance they’ll deliver the goods during your event. Coffee baristas should be extremely nice because they will be serving your guests on a regular basis, and you want to ensure that they have a wonderful experience. You’ll get a sense of who the firm is and if they’ll be able to wow your guests by speaking with them. On their website, there may also be background information on the proprietors.


Cost is always a consideration, and properly briefing a mobile coffee company may assist. Tell them the date, service times, how many visitors or attendees you’re expecting, what items you’d like to have on hand, and if you want to pay for the rental and have complimentary beverages and food for your guests, or if you want everyone to pay separately. After that, you’ll get a precise estimate that’s suited to your requirements.


You should be able to hire a coffee cart or a mobile coffee van to fit your needs and amaze your visitors if you look into these possibilities.