When you are planning to sell your home in Chelmsford, you will come across multiple estate agencies, helping people to find the right buyer. However, more than finding a buyer, you should focus on choosing a skilled agent who will make your property available in the market at an attractive price. Outlined below are the factors that you should keep in mind before hiring an estate agent Chelmsford.


If you find a professional agent deliberately offering you a high valuation, do not fall for the trap. An inflated price never attracts the right buyers. Your property may either go in the hands of the wrong buyers or it will be going stale on the market. Often, this situation may result in the price falling down its market value. It is crucial that you hire an agent who has a proven record of sales, knowledge of buyers and the ongoing market trends.

Local Expertise

Buyers look for property in their vicinity. Choose an estate agent Chelmsford who knows the local areas and holds a household name for their repute. Agents with local expertise have wide connections and networks, aiding them to suggest a suitable price and find the right people for the property.


A good agent is one who does not look for his/her benefits. He or she must make sure that you transfer the property in the right hands and at the best price with a convenient time span. They reach out to the potential buyers and advise you what needs to be done in order to get a remarkable sale.


Some agents will fail to provide you with a good level of service and effective, hassle-free sales. The agencies may not provide the staff with adequate training which results in slower sales at a lower valuation. A cut-price agent will not be concerned about setting the best price for your house as they look for the high turnover. Look for an estate agent  Chelmsford who charges a considerable amount of fees.

A trained estate agent will save you from fraud buyers and make you a profitable seller in the market. If you are planning to put your house for sale, keep these aforementioned points in mind whilst choosing an expert agent for your property. Talk to them and understand if there are any hidden fees and how long have they been working in this field.